Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Sermons for High School Bible study 10/

Below are links to the sermons that will be discussed at this week's Bible Study.  If for some reason you are not able to access them through the blog, you can go straight to the church's website and listen to them there!

Kyle Gennicks 
Josh Fenska

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Our Blog and a reminder

Corn Maze 2017

We will be transitioning from using email as the main means to communicate with our youth families, to a blog format.  Some of our reasons for this include, being able to post pictures and videos from events as the youth have requested and to have a central place for parents and youth to check for reminders and information.  Juggling the email lists and keeping track of who wants to know what has been a bit tricky and has resulted in some of you getting more emails than you want, and some less. The email addresses we collected at the youth picnic have already been added to receive blog posts, of which you will receive one daily-if we post something.  If you have trouble viewing this or know of an email address that missed being added, please let Sue or Chris know.

Please remember to RSVP for the Digital Dash to tlwheeler6@gmail.com 
 (October 28th, 4p.m. at the Wahrmans)

Monday, October 9, 2017

High School Bible Study Sermons

Hey high school students, we have two sermons we will be discussing this week. If you missed hearing them, please take the time to both listen and write a few notes down in your student binders. The links are posted below. 

See you Wednesday at Chandlers'!

How Healthy is Your Listening?

Oct 1, 2017 by: Josh Fenska| Series: James
Scripture: James 1:18–1:21

Is Your Religion Worthless?

Oct 8, 2017 by: Josh Anderson| Series: James
Scripture: James 1:22–1:27